All about philtrum reduction surgery (Upper lip lift) - Hyundai Aesthetics Blog (2025)

Do you feel that your face is long? Or that when you smile, you can’t really see your teeth? Or perhaps your upper lip is drooping due to aging? Well, if your answer is “yes” to at least one of the questions above, most of the time, it means that you have a long philtrum.

Happiness is right under your nose!

And philtrum is? It’s that space between your nose and your upper lip. A long philtrum makes your face look longer and older. It breaks the balance and proportions of your face.

But fortunately, you can fix it with philtrum reduction surgery aka upper lip lift. Let’s find out how!

What does philtrum reduction surgery do?

As you age, your lips become thinner and loses its perkiness, and your philtrum becomes longer. As a result, your face looks longer and you look older. Sometimes, a long philtrum can become more obvious after getting a double jaw surgery too. And the best way to correct a long philtrum is with philtrum surgery.

Philtrum surgery or upper lip lift shortens the distance between your nose and your upper lips. Hence lifting your upper lips, resulting in fuller and poutier lips. In addition, it allows your teeth to be more visible when smiling too, giving a somewhat cute, yet sexy and youthful appearance. So, what is the optimal length for your philtrum?

What is the golden ratio for philtrum?

On a perfectly proportioned face, the ideal philtrum is 11~13mm for females and 13~15mm for males. But it depends mostly on your overall face proportions. Here’s a guide to the golden ratio for your philtrum. Ideally, the ratio should be 1:2.

All about philtrum reduction surgery (Upper lip lift) - Hyundai Aesthetics Blog (1)

Now that you know the golden ratio, you can tell if you have a long philtrum or short philtrum. For those with short philtrums, unfortunately, there’s nothing much you can do.

But for those with long philtrums, you can fix it with a upper lip lift, better known as philtrum reduction surgery in Korea. Phew! Now, let’s find out whether you should or should not get philtrum surgery.

Should I get philtrum reduction surgery?

If you are tired of getting lip fillers all the time, especially when you have experienced thinning of lips, and have an elongated philtrum due to aging, philtrum surgery is definitely for you. Philtrum reduction is also beneficial for those with:

  • Unusually long philtrum since birth
  • Droopy upper lips due to aging
  • Elongated philtrum after wearing braces for a long time
  • Long philtrum after having double jaw surgery

But if you are undecided on whether philtrum reduction surgery is for you, check out the other alternative for philtrum surgery. Otherwise, read on to find out more about philtrum reduction procedure.

How is philtrum reduction surgery done?

There are 2 methods for upper lip lift surgery in Korea – medial philtrum reduction (bullhorn lip lift) and lateral philtrum reduction.

The method used largely depends on your current lip anatomy and the type of results you want to achieve. Actually, most tend to get medial + lateral philtrum reduction + smile lift surgery together. We will explain why in details below.

And oh, not all clinics provide philtrum reduction surgery. Not to blow our own horns, but Hyundai Aesthetics is one of the most popular clinic which does lip surgery well.

1. Medial philtrum reduction (bullhorn lip lift)

Medial philtrum reduction surgery, aka bullhorn lip lift, lifts the midline groove under your nose.

All about philtrum reduction surgery (Upper lip lift) - Hyundai Aesthetics Blog (2)

Incision is made directly under your nostrils, along the folds under your nose and extending to just the corners of your nose. Excess skin is then cut off, and as a result, shortening your philtrum.

Recommended for those doesn’t have an excessively long philtrum and if you want to keep your original lip shape.


  • Lifts the philtrum but lip corners remain the same
  • Pouty cupid’s bow and fuller upper lips
  • Allows teeth to be visible while smiling
  • Lip shape remains unchanged
  • Natural looking results
  • Permanent results


  • Minimal scarring (but scars fade over time)
  • Lip corners remains unchanged (not good for downturned lips)
  • Lip shape remains unchanged (not good if you don’t like your lips)

2. Lateral philtrum reduction

Unlike bullhorn lip lift, lateral philtrum reduction lifts the sides of your lips except the midline groove.

All about philtrum reduction surgery (Upper lip lift) - Hyundai Aesthetics Blog (3)

Incisions are made on both side of your lips, and those areas are lifted. As a result, making the lip lines look more distinct and lips look fuller.

Not recommended to do this procedure alone as it results in an ugly lip shape, especially if you have downturned lips. Therefore, it is very often recommended to do both lateral philtrum reduction + smile lift surgery together.


  • Lifts the philtrum but lip corners remain the same
  • Fuller upper lips (on the sides only)
  • Middle philtrum remains unchanged
  • Natural looking results
  • Permanent results


  • Minimal scarring (but scars fade over time)
  • Middle philtrum remains unchanged
  • Might result in ugly lip shape (if done alone)

3. Bullhorn lip lift + lateral philtrum reduction + smile lift surgery

Actually, bullhorn lip lift + lateral philtrum reduction + smile lift surgery is the most popular upper lip lift combination because you can shorten your philtrum and reshape your lips at the same time.

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This combination is most effective for those with long philtrum. And it not only fixes all your lip problems, but also creates a beautiful and sexy lip shape for you.


  • Lifts the philtrum and lip corners
  • Results in fuller lips and pouty cupid’s bow
  • Fixes downturned lips and droopy mouth corners
  • Lengthens your mouth horizontally
  • Allows teeth to be visible while smiling
  • Natural looking and permanent results


  • Minimal scarring (but scars fade over time)

How long does philtrum surgery take?

Philtrum reduction surgery in Korea usually lasts 1 hr and is performed under sedation anesthesia so you will not feel any pain.

When can I see results from philtrum reduction surgery?

Major swelling and bruising for philtrum reduction surgery lasts up to 3 weeks and pretty accurate results are visible after 1 month. Final results can be seen after 6 to 12 months.

It might be tough for you to eat on the first 2 days after surgery, but you will be fine after that. Just don’t open your mouth too big until it fully heals. Also, avoid pursing your lips (pressing your lips together) as it affects the healing process.

Do take note that the success of your philtrum surgery not only lies in the hands of your surgeon but also how you well you recover after surgery. So learn how to properly care for your lips during the recovery period by reading our article onlip surgery aftercare and post-op instructions.

Actual recovery time vary among individuals, and is subjected to one’s health condition & healing response.

How long should I stay in Korea?

Philtrum surgery in Korea is not considered a major surgery so hospitalization is not required. But do stay until your stitches are removed. And go shopping in the meantime!

Stitch removal

Stitches are usually removed 7 days after surgery.

Cautions on stitch removal

If you remove the stitches earlier then advised, your wound might reopen, causing an infection. And if you remove it too late, you risk further scarring and pigmentation.

Don’t rush the recovery procedure for best results!

Sometimes due to time constraints, you might consider having your stitches removed at the local hospitals in your home country.

Although that is possible (but not recommended), it depends on how well you have been healing and is also subjected to doctor’s approval.

Alternatives to philtrum reduction surgery

The only alternative to philtrum surgery are lip fillers but there is not much effect, to be honest.

Because with lip fillers, there’s only a limited extent to how much thicker or plumper your lips can be. It doesn’t actually correct your philtrum height, it just seems as if it is reduced due to the thicker lips. For most of the time, not very effective.

Also, lip fillers are not permanent, and typically last 6~8 months. And since you use your lips constantly, fillers tend to lose their effects (if any) faster.

What other lip surgery complements philtrum reduction surgery?

Lip surgeries can be done together, in one surgery, so you don’t have to undergo a second surgery!

1. Smile lift surgery

As mentioned earlier, philtrum reduction surgery and smile lift surgery is the best way to fix a long philtrum and create a beautiful smile on your face.

2. Cupid’s bow surgery

Generally, your lips become slightly poutier with philtrum surgery. But if it’s not enough, get that pout you’ve always wanted withcupid bow’s surgery!

3. Lip enhancement surgery

Philtrum surgery usually makes your lips fuller but if you have really thin lips, you might want to consider lip enhancement surgery together for better results.

4. Lip valley surgery

Having a slight groove in the middle of your lower lips makes your lips look puckered and is actually sexy! Bet you didn’t know that. Find out more about lip valley surgery for that sexy touch.

5. Lip reduction surgery

If you have lips that are too thick, you might wish to consider a lip reduction surgery. Unless you are going for crazy thick lips.


A long philtrum makes your face look longer and older. Hence terms such as “grandma’s lips”, “horse face” and “monkey face” is frequently used to tease those with long philtrums.

If you want to know more about buccal fat removal in Korea, speak to our consultants.

Thankfully, those can be fixed with philtrum reduction surgery. And the most popular combination for philtrum surgery is bullhorn lip lift + lateral philtrum reduction + smile lift surgery.

The results are seriously to die for! But there’s gonna be a bit of scarring though, same for all lip surgeries. However, scarring can be kept to a minimal, that is if you choose a good lip surgeon who is specialized in lip surgeries!

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All about philtrum reduction surgery (Upper lip lift) - Hyundai Aesthetics Blog (2025)
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