Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (2025)

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (1)

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Sundays 9PM-10PM only on 77 WABC!


Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (2)

Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show

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The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-30-24


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    Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show

    Sundays 9PM-10PM only on 77 WABC!

  1. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (3)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-30-24


    Jul 01

  2. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (4)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-23-24


    Jun 24

  3. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (5)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-16-24


    Jun 17

  4. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (6)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-09-24


    Jun 10

  5. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (7)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 06-02-24


    Jun 03

  6. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (8)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-26-24


    May 27

  7. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (9)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-19-24


    May 20

  8. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (10)

  9. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (11)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 3PM Show | 05-16-24


    May 16

  10. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (12)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-12-24


    May 13

  11. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (13)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 05-05-24


    May 06

  12. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (14)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-28-24


    Apr 29

  13. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (15)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-21-24


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  14. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (16)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-14-24


    Apr 15

  15. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (17)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 04-07-24


    Apr 08

  16. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (18)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-31-24


    Apr 01

  17. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (19)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-24-24


    Mar 25

  18. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (20)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-17-24


    Mar 18

  19. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (21)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-10-24


    Mar 11

  20. Curtis & Nancy Sliwa Show (22)

    The Curtis Sliwa Show | 03-03-24


    Mar 04

"; } else { //episode var iframeURL = ''; iframeURL = iframeURL + '&e_id_val='+e_id_val; var iframeHTML = "

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//WPB-435 //var gotADS_0 = true; //define into common php code file.var debugDivObj_playlist_0 = document.getElementById('debug_playlist_player_0'); var firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_0 = true; //global variable.var ckDomain = ''; var episode_first_playlist_id_0 = 'jp-playlist-0-0-352644'; //WPB-435 var p_id_0 = ''; // WPB-6002 var midRollExists_0=false; var postRollExists_0=false; var currentlyPlaying_0 = ''; var m_audio_0 = ''; var m_id_0 = ''; var m_title_0 = ''; var po_audio_0 = ''; var po_id_0 = ''; var po_title_0 = ''; var original_e_audio_0 = ''; var original_e_title_0 = ''; var midPausedTime_0 = ''; var midrollplaying_0 = false; var midrollplayed_0=false; var midRollDuration0=''; var playedAfterMid0=false; var mid_endedTime0; var original_endedTime0; var bothOff_0=false; var currentKeyIndex_0; var lastIndex_0=0; var lastPreroll_0=false; midrollplayed_0=false;// ============================================================function jp_playlist_episode_0(linkObject, autoplay=false) {/* outside jquery ready func. */ midrollplayed_0=false; var link_episode =; //get id this way. not used class wise jquery onclick. var idArr = link_episode.split('-'); var player_unique_index = idArr[2]; var key_index = idArr[3]; var episode_id = idArr[4]; var js_str = playlists_arr_0[key_index]; var field_arr = js_str.split('^#^'); if (typeof field_arr[4] !== 'undefined') { // WPB-6002 var field5_arr = field_arr[4].split('^@^'); p_id_0 = field5_arr[1]; } if (typeof field_arr[10] !== 'undefined') { var field11_arr = field_arr[10].split('^@^'); m_id_0 = field11_arr[1]; var field12_arr = field_arr[11].split('^@^'); m_audio_0 = field12_arr[1]; var field13_arr = field_arr[12].split('^@^'); m_title_0 = field13_arr[1]; if(m_id_0!=0) { midRollExists_0=true; } //midRollExists_0=false; } if (typeof field_arr[13] !== 'undefined') { var field14_arr = field_arr[13].split('^@^'); po_id_0 = field14_arr[1]; var field15_arr = field_arr[14].split('^@^'); po_audio_0 = field15_arr[1]; var field16_arr = field_arr[15].split('^@^'); po_title_0 = field16_arr[1]; if(po_id_0!=0) { postRollExists_0=true; } //postRollExists_0=false; } if(jQuery('#playlistEpisode-0-'+key_index).hasClass("disableLink")){ jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer('play'); jQuery('#pause-btn-0').show(); jQuery('#play-btn-0').hide(); jQuery( "#pause-btn-0").removeClass( "hidden" ); return false; } if(midRollExists_0 || postRollExists_0){ if(p_id_0!=0){ currentlyPlaying_0 = 'preroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('preroll'); }else{ if(currentlyPlaying_0 !='midroll'){ currentlyPlaying_0 = 'original'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); } } midrollplayed_0=false; }else{ // mid and post roll both off. bothOff_0=true; // ======================== WPB-6002 -- separate func. if(p_id_0!=0) { jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_0(linkObject); return; } // ======================== if(!autoplay){ currentlyPlaying_0 = 'original'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original') } else { // WPB-6002 if(p_id_0!=0) { currentlyPlaying_0='preroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('preroll'); } } } jQuery("#playlistResults-0 .playlistEpisode").each(function() { jQuery(this).css('background','none'); jQuery(this).removeClass("disableLink"); }); var bgColor = jQuery('#speed-control-menu-0').attr('primaryColor'); jQuery('#playlistEpisode-0-'+key_index).css('background',bgColor); jQuery('#playlistEpisode-0-'+key_index).addClass("disableLink"); var change_player_image_0 = true; // WPB-6002 show_hide_trailer_common_func(); firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_0 = false; //------------------------------- //WPB-435 if (typeof gotADS_0 !== 'undefined' && eval('gotADS_0')) { var retHideAudio = hideAudioPlayerShowVideoPlayer('0'); } else { var retHideAudio = false; } if (retHideAudio) { var videoPlayerContDivObj = document.getElementById('vid-container-0'); if ( == 'block') { jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer('stop'); eval('vid0').play(); /*play video direct ads. */ episode_first_playlist_id_0 =; return; } }//End of if (retHideAudio) //------------------------------- //WPB-306 : fixed problem missing stop/play button . jQuery("#pause-btn-0").removeClass("hidden"); var js_str = playlists_arr_0[key_index]; //console.log(js_str); var jsInfoArr = getJsInfo_Audio_Common(js_str); var e_id = jsInfoArr['e_id']; var e_title = jsInfoArr['e_title']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var e_image = jsInfoArr['e_image']; var p_id = jsInfoArr['p_id']; var p_audio = jsInfoArr['p_audio']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var p_title = jsInfoArr['p_title']; var pod_id = jsInfoArr['pod_id']; var ply_f = jsInfoArr['ply_f']; var e_audio_dl = jsInfoArr['e_audio_dl']; if(jQuery('#jp-playlist-status-0').length>0){ var htm = jQuery('#jp-playlist-status-0').html(); if(htm.indexOf('You have reached the end')>0){ var lastIndex_0 = playlists_arr_0.length-1; } } if(typeof lastIndex_0=='undefined'){ lastIndex_0 = playlists_arr_0.length-1; } if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original'){ if(key_index==0){ lastPreroll_0=true; }else{ lastPreroll_0=false; } } // --------------------------------- currentKeyIndex_0 = key_index; if(currentlyPlaying_0=='' || currentKeyIndex_0==0){ //console.log('here condition 1'); original_e_audio_0 = e_audio; original_e_title_0 = e_title; if(lastPreroll_0){ //console.log('cond 1.1...'); var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_0[lastIndex_0]; var field_arr_original = js_str_orignal.split('^#^'); var field3_arr_ori_t = field_arr_original[1].split('^@^'); var original_e_title_0 = field3_arr_ori_t[1]; var field3_arr_ori = field_arr_original[2].split('^@^'); var original_e_audio_0 = field3_arr_ori[1]; var field10_arr = field_arr_original[9].split('^@^'); var e_audio_dl = field10_arr[1]; var field4_arr = field_arr_original[3].split('^@^'); /*var e_image = field4_arr[1];*/ } }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original'){ //console.log('here condition 2'); if(bothOff_0) var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_0[currentKeyIndex_0] else var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_0[currentKeyIndex_0-1]; if(lastPreroll_0){ var js_str_orignal = playlists_arr_0[lastIndex_0]; } var field_arr_original = js_str_orignal.split('^#^'); var field3_arr_ori_t = field_arr_original[1].split('^@^'); var field10_arr = field_arr_original[9].split('^@^'); var e_audio_dl = field10_arr[1]; var field4_arr = field_arr_original[3].split('^@^'); /*var e_image = field4_arr[1];*/ var original_e_title_0 = field3_arr_ori_t[1]; var field3_arr_ori = field_arr_original[2].split('^@^'); var original_e_audio_0 = field3_arr_ori[1]; } // --------------------------------- if(midRollExists_0){ jQuery("#player-0").bind(jQuery.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, function(event) { //console.log("timeupdate : currentlyPlaying_0::"+currentlyPlaying_0) if(currentlyPlaying_0!='original'){ return; } if(midrollplayed_0){ return; } var midDuration = Math.round(event.jPlayer.status.duration / 2); var current = Math.round(event.jPlayer.status.currentTime); if(midDuration>0 && (current>=midDuration)){ midPausedTime_0 = event.jPlayer.status.currentTime; jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { mp3: m_audio_0 }); currentlyPlaying_0='midroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('midroll'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play"); midrollplayed_0=true; } }); // timeupdate func..... } // --------------------------------- if (change_player_image_0) { document.getElementById('jp-image-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change image document.getElementById('jp-body-background-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; jQuery('#player-interface-0 .AudioControls .podcastHeader .mobilePodcastImage img').attr('src',e_image); } // WPB-6002 //change download link to episode audio file as per click on playlist player audio song. //document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = e_audio; var e_audioDownload=e_audio; if(e_audio.indexOf("?")>0) e_audioDownload = e_audio.substring(0, e_audio.lastIndexOf('?')); document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = '/wp-content/plugins/wpb-show-core/download-episode.php?eid='+e_id+'&flag=playlist-js'; document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; var original_e_audio = e_audio; var original_e_title = e_title; if (p_audio) { /*if preroll then play that first.*/ e_audio = p_audio; //play preroll first. document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^preroll'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } /*if (p_title) { //e_title = p_title; //play preroll first. }*/ // *********************************************** if (p_audio) { //jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('preroll'); show_hide_trailer_common_func(); if(currentlyPlaying_0==''){ jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_0, mp3: e_audio }); var next_song_flag = 0; //play actual audio. currentlyPlaying_0='preroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('preroll'); //console.log('here3:::'+currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); } /*jQuery("#player-0").on(, function(event) { console.log('play'); }); */ // *********************************************** } else { //console.log('in else no preroll::'+e_title); original_e_audio_0 = e_audio; original_e_title_0 = e_title; var next_song_flag = 1; jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play"); } if(!autoplay){ jQuery( "#speed-control-btn-0").html("1x"); jQuery( "#speed-control-btn-0").css("color", jQuery( "#speed-control-menu-0" ).attr( "textColor" )); }else{ var speedSelected = jQuery( "#speed-control-btn-0").html(); speedSelected = speedSelected.replace( "x", "" ); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer( "option","playbackRate", speedSelected ); } // ============================================================ jQuery("#player-0").bind(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { if(postRollExists_0 || midRollExists_0){ if(currentlyPlaying_0=='midroll'){ currentlyPlaying_0='original_part'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original_part'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_0, mp3: original_e_audio_0, }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",midPausedTime_0); return; }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='postroll'){ var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='preroll'){ setTimeout(function(){ currentlyPlaying_0='original'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); //console.log('here8:::'+currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title, mp3: original_e_audio }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); },1000); }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original_part' && postRollExists_0){ jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_0, mp3: po_audio_0 }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); currentlyPlaying_0='postroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('postroll'); }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original' && postRollExists_0){ if(!midRollExists_0){ jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: original_e_title_0, mp3: po_audio_0 }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); currentlyPlaying_0='postroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('postroll'); } }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original_part' && (!postRollExists_0)){ var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; }else if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original_part'){ jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); var next_song_flag = 0; //play actual audio. currentlyPlaying_0='postroll'; jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('postroll'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play",0); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); } // ------------------------------------- }else{ if(currentlyPlaying_0=='original'){ next_song_flag=1; var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; }else{ //console.log('preoll playing in both off'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", {title: original_e_title_0, mp3: original_e_audio_0, }); currentlyPlaying_0='original' //console.log('here9:::'+currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); if (next_song_flag == 0) { document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; } } }); // End of ended event................. // ============================================================}//End of function jp_playlist_episode_

// ============================================================function playListNext_0(player_uni_idx, play_list_idx, next_song) { if (next_song == 0) { //console.log('donot play next song.....'); //as it played preroll and now playing actual video. //debugDivObj_playlist_0.innerHTML = debugDivObj_playlist_0.innerHTML + 'donot play next song........
'; } else { //console.log('play next song.....''; //debugDivObj_playlist_0.innerHTML = debugDivObj_playlist_0.innerHTML + 'play next song........
'; if (play_list_idx == ((playlists_arr_0.length) - 1)) { var next_play_list_idx = 0; /*first song.*/ } else { var next_play_list_idx = parseInt(play_list_idx) + 1; /*next song*/ } var js_str = playlists_arr_0[next_play_list_idx]; var field_arr = js_str.split('^#^'); var field1_arr = field_arr[0].split('^@^'); var e_id = field1_arr[1]; var link_id = 'jp-playlist-'+player_uni_idx+'-'+next_play_list_idx+'-'+e_id; var next_linkObject = document.getElementById(link_id); jQuery("#player-0").off(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended); /* off the ended event. so, next audio will bind again on into below func. */ jp_playlist_episode_0(next_linkObject,true); //call function again for next audio. } next_song = 1; return next_song;}//End of function playListNext_// ============================================================//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------// WPB-6002 -- separate func.function show_hide_trailer_common_func() { if(jQuery('#play_trailer').length>0){ jQuery('#play_trailer').show(); jQuery('#hide_trailer').hide(); }else if(jQuery('#play_trailer_ele').length>0){ jQuery('#play_trailer_ele').show(); jQuery('#hide_trailer_ele').hide(); }}// WPB-6002 -- separate func.function jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_0(linkObject) {/* outside jquery ready func. */ show_hide_trailer_common_func(); firstTimeLoad_directClickToPlayer_0 = false; //------------------------------- //WPB-435 if (typeof gotADS_0 !== 'undefined' && eval('gotADS_0')) { var retHideAudio = hideAudioPlayerShowVideoPlayer('0'); } else { var retHideAudio = false; } if (retHideAudio) { var videoPlayerContDivObj = document.getElementById('vid-container-0'); if ( == 'block') { jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer('stop'); eval('vid0').play(); /*play video direct ads. */ episode_first_playlist_id_0 =; return; } }//End of if (retHideAudio) //------------------------------- //WPB-306 : fixed problem missing stop/play button . jQuery("#pause-btn-0").removeClass("hidden"); var link_episode =; //get id this way. not used class wise jquery onclick. var idArr = link_episode.split('-'); var player_unique_index = idArr[2]; var key_index = idArr[3]; var episode_id = idArr[4]; var js_str = playlists_arr_0[key_index]; var jsInfoArr = getJsInfo_Audio_Common(js_str); var e_id = jsInfoArr['e_id']; var e_title = jsInfoArr['e_title']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var e_image = jsInfoArr['e_image']; var p_id = jsInfoArr['p_id']; var p_audio = jsInfoArr['p_audio']; var e_audio = jsInfoArr['e_audio']; var p_title = jsInfoArr['p_title']; var pod_id = jsInfoArr['pod_id']; var ply_f = jsInfoArr['ply_f']; var e_audio_dl = jsInfoArr['e_audio_dl']; document.getElementById('jp-image-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change image document.getElementById('jp-body-background-'+player_unique_index).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+e_image+"')"; //change download link to episode audio file as per click on playlist player audio song. //document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = e_audio; var e_audioDownload=e_audio; if(e_audio.indexOf("?")>0) e_audioDownload = e_audio.substring(0, e_audio.lastIndexOf('?')); document.getElementById('download-'+player_unique_index).href = '/wp-content/plugins/wpb-show-core/download-episode.php?eid='+e_id+'&flag=playlist-js'; document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; var original_e_audio = e_audio; var original_e_title = e_title; if (p_audio) { /*if preroll then play that first.*/ e_audio = p_audio; //play preroll first. document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^preroll'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } /*if (p_title) { //e_title = p_title; //play preroll first. }*/ if (p_audio) { currentlyPlaying_0='preroll'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_11'+ currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('preroll'); //console.log('here6:::'+currentlyPlaying_0); show_hide_trailer_common_func(); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { //play preroll first. /*title: 'TEST', mp3: '', //temp mp3 */ //title: e_title + ' -- Preroll audio ', title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); var next_song_flag = 0; //play actual audio. // ============================================================ jQuery("#player-0").on(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { show_hide_trailer_common_func(); currentlyPlaying_0='original'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_12'+ currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { /*title: e_title + ' -- Actual audio ', */ title: original_e_title, mp3: original_e_audio }); jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause'); if (next_song_flag == 0) { document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; } var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); next_song_flag = next_song; /* next_song to 1, if preroll finished to play then only pickup next song. */ }); // ============================================================ } else { currentlyPlaying_0='original'; //console.log('currentlyPlaying_13'+ currentlyPlaying_0); jQuery('#currentlyPlaying-0').val('original'); var next_song_flag = 1; //no preroll. so, play song direct next. //play actual audio, if no preroll found. jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("setMedia", { //title: e_title + ' -- Actual audio -- no prerolls ', title: e_title, mp3: e_audio }); jQuery("#player-0").on(jQuery.jPlayer.event.ended, function(event) { show_hide_trailer_common_func(); /*if (next_song_flag == 1) { */ document.getElementById('hid-extra-'+player_unique_index).value = 'e_id^@^'+e_id+'^#^p_id^@^'+p_id+'^#^flag^@^episode'+'^#^pod_id^@^'+pod_id+'^#^ply_f^@^'+ply_f; /*}*/ var next_song = playListNext_0(player_unique_index, key_index, next_song_flag); //next_song_flag = next_song; }); }//End of else above....... jQuery("#player-0").jPlayer("play"); jQuery("#container-0").removeClass('pause');}//End of function jp_playlist_episode_without_mid_post_preroll_

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Author: Duncan Muller

Last Updated:

Views: 5583

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.